“Politics is not a game of insults, it is about ideas,” and other advice from Ghana for voters and partisans.
“Politics is not a game of insults, it is about ideas,” and other advice from Ghana for voters and partisans.
In Senegal Peace Corps used the DataWinners mobile application to evaluate and support volunteers working to improve food security for farmers and their families.
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) messages available on our 3‑2‑1 Service: Botswana, Ghana, and Madagascar. World Water Week.
By relying on text-based channels (print, SMS, USSD) purveyors of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) campaigns fall short of effectively reaching their intended audiences.
Do literacy levels pose a serious limitation to SMS-based communication campaigns?
We interviewed some Malawian farmers to test their experiences accessing market prices by phone on the 3-2-1 Service against some contrarian information published on ICT Works.
Dialing “321” will connect the caller to clear voice prompts in Khmer, allowing the caller to find trusted information on topics including, Weather, Currency Rates, Market Prices, Reproductive Health, and Emergency Numbers.
The 3-2-1 Service will provide Pulse content along with public service information via voice or text, in English, Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, and Nigerian Pidgin from their basic phones.
Phones that some call “dumb” can actually be quite smart. HNI’s 3-2-1 Service represents a departure from mass-media radio, TV, and billboard campaigns.
Malawians asked for — and will get —an alert service that will contact them by SMS before the weather gets serious.