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Press Release: “Zombie” Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Halted

Operations to open the Canyon uranium mine six miles south of Grand Canyon National Park have been suspended.

Zombie Mines on the Colorado Plateau

A zombie mine is a mine that has been shut down, but can be allowed to resume operations with no modifications to outdated plans of operation; no new environmental review.

Action Alert: Protect the Colorado River Basin from runaway dirty energy development

We need your help protecting the Colorado River Basin from runaway dirty energy development.

Complete Streets: How Including Everyone Can Make Communities Safe, Fun, and Prosperous

The Complete Streets movement is gaining more ground as politicians and planners respond to the call for safer and more inclusive streets.

The Mayan Apocalypse and Cycling Irrationality

Assuming we survive this Mayan thing, can we shed our irrationality around cycling?

Life After Messenger vs. ‘Career Courier’

I felt envious of the subjects of Hoppas’ film, “Career Courier” — and even more resentful of this Congress.

Old Man Warner, Cycling Opponent

Cycling advocates push against society’s reluctance to change established habits, triggering Old Man Warner in his many forms.

E-bike is to Bike what Trolling Motor is to Rowboat

Pedal-powered purists love to make equivalency between e-bikes and scooters, e-bikes and mopeds, or even e-bikes and dirt bikes.

Hair: ‘Tyranny over the mind of man’

Defy hair tyranny! Challenge hairstyle obsession in bike commuting. Pedal away from coiffeur slavery!

‘Buy this car to drive to work. Drive to work to pay for this car.’

Discover the true price of your daily commute with insights from and punk band Metric.

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