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Tag : Lobbying

Home / Posts tagged : Lobbying
Life After Messenger vs. ‘Career Courier’

I felt envious of the subjects of Hoppas’ film, “Career Courier” — and even more resentful of this Congress.

Bicycle Hymn of the Republicans

Since posting my parts 1 and 2 of my experiences lobbying my elected representatives, a few people have asked, once again, why cycling is perceived as a partisan issue.

The Accidental Advocate – Part 2

My partner in advocacy and I make ten visits to congressional offices, a mixture of scheduled meetings with staff, and unscheduled flybys where we merely drop off a thin information packet.

The Accidental Advocate – Part 1

It’s dawning on me that the Arizona delegation is likely going to be only myself, and the delegate from Bedrock City. And she is too short for me to hide behind.

Contact Ted
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