- Communications:
- Writing and Editorial Services – Crafting compelling narratives for marketing, fundraising, and branding purposes, including content creation, and blogging
- Media Statements, Kits, and Press Releases
- Social Media Management
- Strategic Storytelling
- Brand Building
- Reputation Management
- Strategy:
- Thought Leadership Visibility – Establishing clients as industry experts through content creation, events, and strategic communication strategies, enhancing credibility
- Internal Communications and Protocols – facilitate cohesive team communication and reinforce organizational identity
- Internal newsletters, and branding guidelines
- Team Communications Training
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Research:
- Information Monitoring and Analysis –Monitoring media, social media, research papers, news, and surveys for insights and trends
- Strategic Advice and Advocacy
- Reputation Management
- Repurposing Marketing Evil:
- Constructing survey panels using targeted social media approaches
- Repurposed Pay-Per-Click campaigns – cost-effective testing of program messaging using online ads, saving time and costs. Reaches broad initial audience efficiently
- Use geofenced ads to confirm aid project delivery, engaging targeted communities for verification and accountability.
Evil4Good (E4G LLC) puts the power of Internet Marketing tools and techniques to good use — literally to good use. More than just marketing and communications services; we can also repurpose these tools to assist with data collection and analysis for rational decision making.
About Ted
I’ve been in communications and marketing for much of my career (#NotAllMarketers). And I’ve been doing Internet marketing since 1997, when I launched the first-ever nonprofit e-commerce website with PEOPLink.
My work has included promoting environmental conservation, progressive political campaigns, bicycles and active transportation, public transportation, and in the Digital Development (ICT4D) sector promoting tools and techniques for data collection, monitoring and evaluation.
Most Marketing Makes the World Worse
Most marketing sets out to impede rational decision-making.
Internet Marketing and Social Media have amplified the ability of marketers to target and influence human behavior with an efficiency that the 4gooders in the world barely appreciate – people who use shorthand and hashtags such as #Games4Good, #Net4Good, #SM4Good, #Indolence4Good (as-yet unused), and especially: #Tech4Good (Technology for Good).
Skilled marketers today wield more power and data than ever before. They’ve created tools capable of manipulating human behavior with such efficiency it rightly should make the 4gooders out there shake in their boots. You know those folks who use all those hashtags? That shorthand, that little “4Good,” it implies that whatever comes before isn’t known for being a paragon of goodness. Nope, it’s at best neutral, or at worst downright malevolent.
So, while the marketers may scare the daylights out of those trying to make a positive difference, deep down, there’s a whisper of envy. They’ve got this power, this data, and it both horrifies and excites those seeking to change the world.
Trust me. We can use those evil tools for good.