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Tag : Science

Home / Posts tagged : Science
Trufi’s Virtuous Cycle: How OSM Volunteers Cultivate Better Transport Data & Service – A New Academic Paper

The positive effects of digital volunteering: mapping transport routes in OpenStreetMap, coding open-source software – a.k.a. “digital civic engagement.”

Madagascar Survey: 20% of Adults Don’t Understand Taxes; 36% Have Never Paid

Survey data gathered by HNI’s Mobile to Mobile Survey call center revealed that nearly one in five Malagasy adults don’t understand what taxes are or why the government collects them. Among the most poor surveyed, more than one third did not know.

Ghana: Crowdsourcing Citizen Feedback on Government Service Delivery

A cost-effective IVR survey in Ghana revealed dissatisfaction with government services, and discrepancies from official government indicators.

Teaching “Climate‑Smart Agriculture” with Cell Phones in Tanzania

HNI is preparing to empower Tanzanian farmers with free and actionable information on “Climate‑Smart Agriculture” accessible on simple mobile phones.

Evaluating Farming for Food Security with Peace Corps/Senegal

In Senegal Peace Corps used the DataWinners mobile application to evaluate and support volunteers working to improve food security for farmers and their families.

Innovation for African Countries Vulnerable to Climate Change

To spread climate change information UNDP-CIRDA brokered a new agreement between HNI and Airtel Uganda to expand the 3-2-1 on-demand messaging service.

Cyclones and Cell Phones

Madagascar’s National Bureau for Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) used our DataWinners platform to modernize its post-disaster data collection infrastructure.

Gaetano Borriello: ‘The visionary and leader behind Open Data Kit’

Gaetano Borriello, the visionary and leader behind Open Data Kit, has died.

Grand Canyon Trust Report to Donors 2013

I edited the GCT Report to Donors coordinating with staff, photographers, and the graphic designer.

Press Release: “Zombie” Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Halted

Operations to open the Canyon uranium mine six miles south of Grand Canyon National Park have been suspended.

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