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Tag : Africa

Home / Posts tagged : Africa (Page 4)
Tananarivize – Bike Commuting in Madagascar’s Capital

Motorists in Antananarivo seem to expect to be interacting with bicyclist, and they do so ungrudgingly. They… they… share the road!

Ebola and its Rival Killer: Cars

Automobiles kill 30 times more people every month than Ebola has killed ever – since the first confirmed case in 1976.

Edwin Fotachwi: Traditional Carver, Bali-Nyonga Cameroon

In 1999 Edwin immediately grasped the potential of the Internet to help him reach new customers. Although he does not own or use a computer.

Nchinda Wanjel Frances: Traditional Carver, Oku Cameroon

Wanjel still employs the low-tech carving traditions to sculpt traditional Oku masks and stools of astonishing beauty, complexity, and simplicity.

Carvers for their Kings

Two Cameroonian carvers exemplify how the traditions of African sculpture are thriving without compromise.

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